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Keeping your debit card safe with a text message

At Hanmi Bank, we want to make sure that using your debit card is always as safe and convenient as possible. That’s why we provide text alerts as part of our ongoing fraud monitoring program.

All Hanmi customers with debit cards were enrolled in the text fraud alerts program. If our system detects suspicious activity on your card, we’ll send a text alert right away with details about the transaction.

All you have to do is respond to the text to confirm the transaction. If you indicate the transaction is not authorized by you, you will receive another message with a number to call for follow-up. If not, you are all set. The system will mark the transaction as legitimate.

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가까운 한미은행 지점에 방문하세요

계신 곳에서 가까운 한미은행 지점과 ATM의 주소, 전화번호와 영업시간을 안내해 드립니다. 고객분들을 언제나 웃음으로 맞이하겠습니다.

고객센터 전화

저희 고객센터는 월요일-금요일, 오전7시 부터 오후 6시까지 (태평양 표준시) 개인은 물론 기업 고객의 은행업무도 도와드리고 있습니다.